by spadmin | Mar 12, 2022 | Uncategorized
The Sustainability Policy and Regulatory Update is a comprehensive update to the County’s General Plan/Local Coastal Program and modernization of the County Code. The goal of this update is to implement new policies and code regulations that support more sustainable communities in Santa Cruz County. This is the link which will take you to the section pertaining to Pleasure Point.
Please send your comments to We will assemble all comments, suggestions, etc.
You can also make comments through the comments portal. Here is the link for comments and the calendar of meetings beginning March 16th.
If we can answer any questions, please contact us.
Save Pleasure Point Steering Committee
The Sustainability Policy and Regulatory Update is a comprehensive update to Santa Cruz County’s General Plan/Local Coastal Program and modernization of the County Code. The project also includes preparation of new Santa Cruz County Design Guidelines and rezoning of key opportunity sites. The goal of this update is to implement new policies and code regulations that support more sustainable communities in Santa Cruz County.
These documents will shape land use and transportation planning, as well as future development, in Santa Cruz County for many years to come.
We want to hear from you!
There are currently three ways to get involved in this project:
Visit the project website to review documents and provide comments.
Attend upcoming community meetings in March and April.
Send comments/questions to
Coming Soon: More opportunities to get involved!
The Draft Environmental Impact Report for this project will be released soon for review and public comment.
A survey will soon be available on the project website to gather feedback from members of the public about key aspects of the project.
Hard copies of draft documents will soon be available for in-person review at the Planning Department public counter located at 701 Ocean Street, 4th Floor, Santa Cruz CA 95060. Please see current counter hours HERE.
Stay tuned for additional emails providing updated information about these engagement opportunities. If you are receiving this email, that means that you are already on the County’s mailing list for this project because you have signed up through the project website or because you or your organization has worked with the County on similar projects. Please encourage others to sign up through the project website HERE (
by spadmin | Nov 11, 2021 | Uncategorized
· Opal Cliff Motors/Cliff Cafe parcel (Lower 41st & Portola corner): they are working inside the Opal Cliffs Motors building including taking the hoist out and will be moving more extensively on this remodel soon (Opal Cliffs will become a retail shop; Cliff Café will get a “real” patio).
· Pleasure Point Plaza (storage yard and tattoo parlor bldg. across from SUDA) – Planning has not heard from the Developer so they do not don’t know why he isn’t moving forward.
· The Lumberyard (38th & Portola corner) – Application #211016
The Pietro Family of SF (project developer) has now submitted a Permit Time Extension and Amendment; these documents are currently being routed to Co. agencies for comment. It appears changes will reduce commercial floor area increasing the number of residential units (formerly 8 were planned); the building design will still closely resemble what was already approved. The residential garages have also been removed WHICH hopefully means there will be more on-site parking hence less of public on-street parking taken away from public use by The Lumberyard’s residents..
· Back in Shape bldg & vacant parcel – Steve Gabay’s June 2019 application remains on file to build a 14-unit mixed use project
· Ed’s Auto is “as is”; no action pending
· APN 032-082-39 (the old used car lot next to Cat & Cloud) nothing has been submitted at this time.
Delays of permitted projects and new applications: “Suspect that the high cost of labor and materials right now is the major reason. Also, I suspect that some developers are waiting to see how the effects of Covid will shake out on the economy, particularly for proposed commercial and mixed-use developments like the Pleasure Point Plaza project”
Portola Dr. safety: locals are waiting for DPW’s installation of 2 new sets of flashing beacons at crosswalks (this will total 4 sets). These safety beacons – advocated for by SPPt – have aided both drivers and pedestrians as one can’t miss their bright flashes so fewer close calls are being reported. SPPt recently asked for an update re: installation date – originally scheduled for late summer. DPW’s response: “The 2 new locations on Portola are 24th and 26th. We can’t put one at 30th Ave because it is a stop-controlled intersection; regulations don’t allow to install them at stop-controlled intersections. There is also no marked crosswalk at the other 30th Ave intersection. Regarding the schedule, our contractor is ready to install them as soon as the material arrives. Supply chain issues are affecting the delivery of the RRFBs.”
Add your name to Save Pleasure Point’s supporter list (no dues): SPPt is an informal group of PPt residents, property owners and business owners working to protect, preserve, and build on PPts unique character and surroundings by networking with County Planning and applicants of new or remodel projects and passing information on to the community through, Facebook, and direct emails. SPPt’s Volunteer Steering Committee (alpha last name): Kimber Blackburn, Patti Brady, Tara Gasta, Carin Hanna, Glenn Hanna, Lowell Marcus, George McCullough, Padi Romeo, Debbie Shulman, Marika Strauss, Kevin Walter
by spadmin | Oct 13, 2021 | Uncategorized
Save Pleasure Point is an informal group of PPt residents, property owners and business owners working to protect, preserve, and build on PPts unique character and surroundings by networking with county the Planning Department and applicants of new or remodel projects and passing information on to the community through, Facebook, and direct emails.
We’re realists: we know commercial and mixed-use projects for Portola’s business/shopping area are happening. Yet we say NO to Portola becoming a clone of Mission St or Upper 41st’ Avenue style and looks. New projects should reflect Lower 41st ‘s character regarding height, design, on-site parking. Projects should not add stress to our local neighborhood infrastructure.
If you support these goals and are interested in becoming a part of our working group please send a short email to; please include:
· How long you’ve lived in PPt? (have to live in PPt)
· Portola Commercial Development projects: are you familiar with nxtdr posts and discussions about the various projects permitted yet not under construction?
· What skills and personal strengths will you bring to the committee?
Current Volunteer Steering Committee Members: (current) Kimber Blackburn, Patti Brady, Tara Gasta, Carin Hanna, Glenn Hanna, Lowell Marcus, George McCullough, Padi Romero, Debbie Shulman, Marika Strauss, Kevin Walter
by spadmin | Sep 30, 2021 | Uncategorized
Dear Friends of Save Pleasure Point,
Ecology Action has released the survey of the June 2021 Bike Installation Project on Portola Drive along with a press release and traffic study issues related to this project. Here is the link to the survey:
The press release is a very important read! Not surprising, there were many negative responses. However, there are also a variety of suggestions for improvements included. More street changes to Portola will be coming; it is crucial that the next round of time and money achieve positive results.
The residents and business owners in PPt are directly impacted by all street issues on Portola including location of truck deliveries and any blocking of driveways.
Save Pleasure Point has communicated to Supervisor Koenig, the Department of Public Works and to Ecology Action that responder feedback – negative as well as ideas/suggestions of solutions – be specifically included in their discussions and models for any/all future improvements related to Portola including intersections. An outline of new proposals should also go out to local residents and business owners before any future implementation takes place.
Please re-affirm SPPt’s request – send emails to:
Supervisor Manu Koenig
Matt Machado
Amelia Conlen
Russell Chen
You can also send comments OR questions to our Save Pleasure Point Steering Committee: or
Signed: Patti B on behalf of SPPt
by spadmin | Aug 10, 2021 | Uncategorized
Opal Cliffs Motors – Cliff Café Bldg. – 03206113 The Novak’s permit for a retail shop and patio for Cliff Café is in process. When the change of use permit application is deemed complete public notice will go up and notices will be sent out to neighbors within 300 feet. If there are no major comments or concerns the permit should be approved = the remodel can go forward.
Pleasure Point Plaza App: 181263 (current storage yard across from SUDA + Black Pearl site) This site remains unchanged. Abbas, the owner, had considered asking to expand the number of permitted affordable housing units (currently 33 – 4 low income). However, now per Covid perhaps he is considering asking for larger units vs. more density. Financing for mixed-use projects has become difficult per the shift to online buying. He has until 12/24/2022 to file for an extension/amendment.
The Lumberyard – 38th & Portola We understand a Time Extension and Amendment related to the current mixed-use permit will be submitted “soon”. Such will require a separate review for any proposed changes; word is that the developer (Pietro) will reduce retail space to add more condos (8 currently approved), eliminate the 8 garages to add more-onsite uncovered parking. SPPt’s view: more on-site parking will avoid its’ residents and patrons usurping nearby tax-payer paid on-street public parking. The 4-sale signs are still up; the ask price remains $4.5M
Back in Shape Chiropractic site + “empty” parcel next door 032-051-22 The permit application for a 14 unit rental mixed-use project submitted June 0219 has no current actions to it
“Ed’s Auto” – 3801 Portola: 032-051–21- and – 33 The site is kept clean = the owner is a good neighbor. The owner is allowed to continue the site’s nonconforming use until ready to remodel and convert to other uses.
Former used car lot next to Cat & Cloud 032-082-39 No permit application has been submitted.
STAND WITH SAVE PLEASURE POINT (SPPt) – Protect, preserve Pleasure Point’s unique character and surroundings > keep us a vibrant neighborhood community! Yes, economic growth in PPt’s business/shopping area is “here”. By standing together to monitor development issues we can ensure that our style thrives with project designs that bring the vibe and energy of Lower 41st Ave “around the corner” (NO to Portola being a clone of Mission St or Upper 41st )
SPPt pushes back on project negatives including lack of on-site parking that will gobble on-street public parking. New or redo developments should not add stress to PPt’s infrastructure (deferred maintenance work is already overdue). Project designs should be appropriate for PPt regarding height, design, on-site parking. Other SPPt initiatives focus on increasing street safety on Portola. All highlight importance of the Portola Commercial Development Design Guidelines (study adopted 12/2018) be made permanent in the Co’s upcoming Sustainable Plan.
Add your name/email/home address to our email mailings* via or go to SPPt’s website – or to our Facebook page Save Pleasure Point’s Volunteer Neighbor Steering Committee members: Kimber Blackburn, Patti Brady, Tara Gasta, Carin Hanna, Glenn Hanna, Lowell Marcus, George McCullough, Padi Romeo, Debbie Shulman, Marika Strauss, Kevin Walter *to protect privacy SPPt sends its’ info emails bcc; there’s 0 dues
by spadmin | Jul 10, 2021 | Uncategorized
Flashing Crosswalk Lights are THANKS to Save Pleasure Point’s efforts. Regarding Manu’s 7/6 meeting here is a correction to “thank you’s”: the crosswalk “lights” at 32nd and 36th did not come into being easily: for over 2 years Save Pleasure Point (SPPt) repeatedly spoke and met with “Ocean St” about increasing pedestrian safety measures on Portola. After much discussion including “there are worse streets than Portola to worry about” SPPt got an agreement (October 2019) that 32nd and 36th would get these flashing crosswalk lights installed in early 2020. MORE good news is that 2 more sets are coming to other Portola crosskwalks before the end of summer 2021. Thanks are also due to former Supervisor John Leopold for his support and to DPW for spending the money to buy and install these lights and again the effort to get these lights into place is thanks to SPPt – your neighbors who speak up and speak out!
Protect, preserve Pleasure Point’s unique character and surroundings. We understand that economic growth in Pleasure Point’s business/shopping area is “here”. We support growing Portola by bringing the vibe and energy of Lower 41st Ave around onto it. NO to Portola becoming a clone of Mission St or Upper 41st!! New developments should not add stress to PPt’s infrastructure (much needed improvements are already needed – which we also speak out about). Project designs should be appropriate for PPt regarding height, design, on-site parking. Pleasure Point is a high traffic pedestrian area not only on Portola but for accessing the beach and the surf; PPt is an important coastal gateway that deserves on-going protection.
JOIN US to protect Pleasure Point’s vibe and lifestyle. Contact us/add your name to our supporter list (to protect privacy we send info emails bcc; SPPt does not collect dues):
Neighbor Volunteer Steering Committee members (alpha last name order): Kimber Blackburn, Patti Brady, Tara Gasta, Carin Hanna, Glenn Hanna, Lowell Marcus, George McCullough, Padi Romeo, Debbie Shulman, Barbara Spencer, Marika Strauss, Kevin Walter
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