· Opal Cliff Motors/Cliff Cafe parcel (Lower 41st & Portola corner): they are working inside the Opal Cliffs Motors building including taking the hoist out and will be moving more extensively on this remodel soon (Opal Cliffs will become a retail shop; Cliff Café will get a “real” patio).
· Pleasure Point Plaza (storage yard and tattoo parlor bldg. across from SUDA) – Planning has not heard from the Developer so they do not don’t know why he isn’t moving forward.
· The Lumberyard (38th & Portola corner) – Application #211016
The Pietro Family of SF (project developer) has now submitted a Permit Time Extension and Amendment; these documents are currently being routed to Co. agencies for comment. It appears changes will reduce commercial floor area increasing the number of residential units (formerly 8 were planned); the building design will still closely resemble what was already approved. The residential garages have also been removed WHICH hopefully means there will be more on-site parking hence less of public on-street parking taken away from public use by The Lumberyard’s residents..
· Back in Shape bldg & vacant parcel – Steve Gabay’s June 2019 application remains on file to build a 14-unit mixed use project
· Ed’s Auto is “as is”; no action pending
· APN 032-082-39 (the old used car lot next to Cat & Cloud) nothing has been submitted at this time.


Delays of permitted projects and new applications: “Suspect that the high cost of labor and materials right now is the major reason. Also, I suspect that some developers are waiting to see how the effects of Covid will shake out on the economy, particularly for proposed commercial and mixed-use developments like the Pleasure Point Plaza project”

Portola Dr. safety: locals are waiting for DPW’s installation of 2 new sets of flashing beacons at crosswalks (this will total 4 sets). These safety beacons – advocated for by SPPt – have aided both drivers and pedestrians as one can’t miss their bright flashes so fewer close calls are being reported. SPPt recently asked for an update re: installation date – originally scheduled for late summer. DPW’s response: “The 2 new locations on Portola are 24th and 26th. We can’t put one at 30th Ave because it is a stop-controlled intersection; regulations don’t allow to install them at stop-controlled intersections. There is also no marked crosswalk at the other 30th Ave intersection. Regarding the schedule, our contractor is ready to install them as soon as the material arrives. Supply chain issues are affecting the delivery of the RRFBs.”
Add your name to Save Pleasure Point’s supporter list (no dues): info@savepleasurepoint.net SPPt is an informal group of PPt residents, property owners and business owners working to protect, preserve, and build on PPts unique character and surroundings by networking with County Planning and applicants of new or remodel projects and passing information on to the community through Nextdoor.com, Facebook, savepleasurepoint.org and direct emails. SPPt’s Volunteer Steering Committee (alpha last name): Kimber Blackburn, Patti Brady, Tara Gasta, Carin Hanna, Glenn Hanna, Lowell Marcus, George McCullough, Padi Romeo, Debbie Shulman, Marika Strauss, Kevin Walter