Save Pleasure Point’s goal is to protect, preserve, and build on PPt’s
unique character and surroundings: we focus on the Portola Dr Commercial
Corridor (projects should reflect, compliment Lower 41 st ’s charm and
neighborly qualities) and on resolving infrastructure concerns affecting our
neighborhood’s well-being!!

SPPt is “ YOU – US”! Join us! Our county’s leadership knows that when
SSPt sends out an “issue alert” PPt neighbors mobilize! Sticking together
we can ensure Pleasure Point grows while keeping our vibe and laid-back
charm intact.

Get PPt development information, read our correspondence and learn
news at; read our posts to Nextdoor; view our
Facebook page: savepleasurepoint and get email updates.

 New shop isn’t yet finished: OPAL CLIFFS MOTORS at Portola &
41st was approved for conversion to a retail clothing store; a new
application is in process to expand the vacant “Cliff Café“ into this
space plus add an outdoor area.  An application – permit sign will
soon be going up.
 The PROPOSED MINI HOTEL on Lower 41st between Canton and
the old Chill Out building still needs a building permit. They have 3
years to obtain it so it could be a while before any action starts to take
 PLEASURE POINT PLAZA is a permitted 33-unit project with approx.
7,000 feet retail space (currently the Storage yard across from
SUDA).. The developer (Abbas H) now prefers adding additional
residential units and decreasing the commercial floor area; however,
these changes require going back to the Planning Commission and
Board for approval. We hear he may now reconfigure the residential
units (no increase to the 33 units or bedrooms) by decreasing the
commercial floor area within the approved structure. There would be
no major changes to the exterior of the structure (SPPT suggested
upgrades to many aspects of the design; Abbas accepted them). If a
Minor Variation is approved, Abbas would not need a new public
hearing but h would still need a building permit so it will be a while
before any groundbreaking takes place.
 THE LUMBERYARD site at 38 th & Portola hasn’t sold. The owners,
the Pietro family, withdrew their application for an Amendment to the
Lumberyard permit (8 condo units and a large 1 st floor retail footprint
ok’d under Norhtpoint’s ownership). The Pietro’s may now be
considering a revised project with more housing units with a small
amount of retail space. No plans have been submitted.
 Some months ago, Steven Gabay had some interest in getting a beer
garden permit for his VACANT LOT NEXT TO HIS BACK IN SHAPE
OFFICE BUILDING; it appears this idea has been dropped. His
original idea for this lot was a mixed-use building; perhaps this
concept will be pursued. Nothing has been submitted.
 The old ED’S AUTO building at 38 th has been re-painted; at this
current time there are no plans for this site being remodeled, etc.
 “PORTOLA 8”: 8 out of 9 parcels between 37 th and 30 th were
upzoned in 2023 (higher density allowances). The County is again
upzoning more parcels along various transportation corridors; SPPt
has asked zoning it there are any plans to upzone more parcels on
Portola: they have yet to responded to this ask.
 STATE LEGISLATION says that on-site parking is not “so
necessary”! We continue to push back: a private developer’s tenants
or clients should not be allowed to usurp PPt’s limited on-street public
parking essential for locals and visitors to enjoy Lower 41 st ’s shops,
boutiques plus easy coastal access!

 We hope you are using the FLASHING BEACON LIGHTS at the 26 th ,
32 nd & 36 th Ave – Portola crosswalks! SPPt advocated ”hard” for their
installation. A flashing beacon is now installed at the Moran
Lake/Beach crosswalk.
NEEDS AND SUGGESTIONS RE: PPT”; it will soon be posted to
our web page. Send us your concerns!
Save Pleasure Point’s Steering Committee: Jo Ann Allen, Kimber
Blackburn, Patti Brady, Carin Hanna, Glenn Hanna, Lowell Marcus, George
McCullough, Padi Romero, Matt McMillan, Debbie Shulman, Jerry Still,
Marika Strauss, Kevin Walter, Vanessa Young (all PPt residents, property
owners and business owners)